Hi, a pic would be great of the motherboard!

On Thursday, December 30, 2021, Russell Pitman <bagpus...@hotmail.co.uk>

> Hi all
> I have recently received my first M100 but unfortunately I am unable to
> get any response from it.
> I have been looking at the circuit diagrams and manuals for it but none
> seem to match the motherboard
> that is inside this model.  Cap and resistor numbers are different.
> Finally I have noticed that the contrast potentiometer (VR1) is no longer
> working and am wondering if this is
> why no display is seen?   Does anyone know where I can source one of these?
> Many thanks
> Russ
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows

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