>> I have been looking at the circuit diagrams and manuals for it but none
seem to match the motherboard 

that is inside this model.  Cap and resistor numbers are different.


That would be a very odd PCB. Kyocera even carried the same component
designations through to the Olivetti M-10. The M100 and T102 are different,
are you referencing the correct schematic?

There are two versions of the M100 PCB but the changes are minor. There are
a few component differences in the reset circuit and the RS-232 output. The
later model also uses a standard EPROM pin-out for the ROM. 

Have you checked the power supply voltages? Always start with PCR: Power,
Clock, Reset. Checking these three things first will go a long way to
finding the problem.


Jeff Birt


From: M100 <m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com> On Behalf Of Russell Pitman
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2021 10:00 PM
To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
Subject: [M100] M100 Information


Hi all


I have recently received my first M100 but unfortunately I am unable to get
any response from it.


I have been looking at the circuit diagrams and manuals for it but none seem
to match the motherboard 

that is inside this model.  Cap and resistor numbers are different.


Finally I have noticed that the contrast potentiometer (VR1) is no longer
working and am wondering if this is

why no display is seen?   Does anyone know where I can source one of these?


Many thanks



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