Thanks Brian that is perfectly clear, Just one question if I may ; what's the 
relationship between having the file "RX#U1.DO" loaded in my M102 (I did that 
with a serial link, asici upload, to test the upgrade procedure which I didn't 
finish yet) and the fact to use REXMGR to just load ROM files ? What's the 
relationship between the two ? I should maybe simply remove the RX#U1 as I 
don't plan to upgade just yet (I still don't feel I understand the platform 
enough) and gain more experience with REX# and the M102 regular ASCII uploads 
first. Also it is unclear why some ROM seem to "start right away" when they are 
loaded in REX# whereas some other do not. And last question, if I hit F8 I'm 
back in my M102 files and out of the ROM, but how do I get back in the ROM 
(like back in multiplan for example) I really apologize for my newbie questions 
but I'm sure there's a lurker somewhere also learning something thanks to me 
:-) Le 2022-04-14 04:27, Brian K. White <> a écrit : > > 
(re-sending from a different account, I sent this earlier but it never > showed 
up) > > > Desklink is fine, and that checksum message is probably about the > 
initial ascii transfer of RX#U1.DO . It's easy to get a corrupt copy > with a 
manual ascii transfer, and so it has a self-check that it runs > before doing 
anything else, to prevent running a corrupt copy. > > Expanding on that, > > 
The old dos desklink works perfectly well, but that doesn't neessarily > ensure 
it will work with rex/rex# setup, because rex setup doesn't even > work with a 
real tpdd1 or tpdd2. > > There is a weakness in the tpdd routines in the rex 
tools, which makes > "bad choice?" a complicated question to answer. It's a 
perfectly fine > choice for everything else, but may or may not be a good 
choice for this > specific task. > > Steve has a few times in the past that he 
only tests against Laddie > himself. If you use anything else, it may or may 
not work, but if it > doesn't he doesn't care. > > I use dlplus on linux and it 
always works also on most machines, but I > have one old laptop where it 
doesn't. (works for everything else but > just not for rex setup) The only 
thing notable about that laptop is that > it's an old netbook with an atom cpu, 
so it's slow. Works fine on every > other machine I have, and dlplus works fine 
even on that netbook for > everything but the rex or rex# setup util. So if you 
have an ms-dos > machine, that is probably old and slow also, although that 
should still > be fine for doing this because of just running dos with no other 
> processes at all stealing cpu and a real com port, vs a full multiuser > 
linux os with 500 other processes plus using a usb adapter for the com port. > 
> So, all in all, I'd say desklink on dos should work fine, even with the > rex 
utils pickiness. > > However I think that is all beside the point. Your problem 
is probably > not the tpdd server but the initial ascii transfer of the setup 
program > itself. There is an initial self-check that verifies the initial > 
transfer of the RX#U1.DO program itself to the 100 in the first place. > > If 
you're using a plain comm program to manually send the program > instead of 
using a dedicated bootstrapper program that nails down all > the variables and 
details just for exactly this reason, then it's very > easy to get a corrupt 
transfer. So Steve has a self-check to catch that. > > In another post which 
possibly hasn't posted yet or possibly went to > spam, I gave a lot of links 
and details to garanteed ways to do it, > which uses a dedicated bootstrapper 
program to send the initial RX#U1.DO > and either dlplus or laddiealpha for the 
tpdd server. These are known to > work. Anything else is "might work". But the 
bulletproof simple ways > currently need windows or linux or mac. There is no 
bootstrapper for > ms-dos. (Well, the original dos desklink does supposedly 
have a > bootstrapper function by creating a file named and then you 
> can issue a command from the 100 to trigger it, but I've never got that > to 
actually work) > > So if you still want to use ms-dos on the host side, you'll 
have to do > so trial & error to figure out why you're getting a corrupt 
transfer of > the initial RX*.DO file. Doing it manually leaves many 
opportunities for > leading junk, trailing junk, bad line-endings, and dropped 
characters > from gpoing too fast. You'll have to say *exactly* what you did or 
else > there is no way to guess what might have gone wrong. > > Also if the 
host is not really dos but is really windows, then try with > laddiealpha for 
the tpdd server and tsend.ps1 for the bootstrapper. > See my other post for all 
the details on that. > > -- > bkw > > > On 4/13/22 18:15, Cedric Amand wrote: > 
> Yes, > > Bad choice ? > > Le 2022-04-14 00:14, John R. Hogerhuis 
<> a écrit : > > > > " TPDD emulator run on MSDOS" > > > > 
Desklink? > > -- John. > > > > > -- > bkw

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