"John R. Hogerhuis" <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:
> 20 H=CHR$(201)
> 30 P=VARPTR(H)+1
> 1000 P=PEEK(P)+256%*(PEEK(P+1)+256%*(PEEK(P+1)>127))
> 1010 PRINTP

Very nice. That seems a little more optimized than the solution I used
for my "direct file access from RAM" implementation :o)

You could skip the second multiplication by using AND instead:
1000 P=PEEK(P)+256%*(PEEK(P+1)-(PEEK(P+1)>127AND256))
(Note that the sign has been reversed) but... somehow the execution
time isn't really impacted (I suppose multiplying by -1 is fast)

FWIW, I also tried "caching" the result of "PEEK(P+1)" but again, it
didn't change the result (in all 3 implementations, 1000 iterations
took 14 seconds, so those modifications aren't really interesting,
except for the brain picking exercise ;o)).

If I may ask a question, I almost dever used DEFINT and DEFSTR: I just
use "%" or "$" prefixes for my variables. Are DEFINT and DEFSTR faster
or is this a question of personal preferences?

I kind of like that I can tell the type of variables by their name,
but if the other solution gives a performance boost I'm ready to


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