I wrote:
>FWIW, I also tried "caching" the result of "PEEK(P+1)" but again,
>it didn't change the result (in all 3 implementations, 1000
>iterations took 14 seconds, so those modifications aren't really
>interesting, except for the brain picking exercise ;o)).

Well, I managed to (almost) half this time :o) : 8 seconds for 1000 iterations!

I'd like to say I found a very innovative solution, but it's so simple
I wonder how we didn't think of it before... Just let the BASIC do the
work for you :o)

20 H=CHR$(201)

"John R. Hogerhuis" <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:
> As to type sigils on variables... Don't know how much it changes ram use
> or execution time. Some! Maybe look at the tokenized output difference
> for the space difference.

Thanks, I may give it a try. BTW, is there a good documentation of the
tokenized format (and of the variables encoding) for the M100? I
learned a lot about the ZX-Spectrum BASIC by reading the user guide
which gives a lot of implementation details about this, but I don't
remember the M100 user manual going so deep.

> If it goes over 32767 on any permutation of peek'd values it will fail.
> Probably worth generating every permutation and confirming it
> works.

I suspect the integer conversion is only made when the value is stored
in the integer variable.
For example, this totally works:

The only thing to be careful with is using functions that can only
work with integer arguments like \ or AND:
?1E15\1E14 => OV Error
?!E15AND1E14 => OV Error


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