Oh yes, am I ever. A bit overwhelmed, actually. It'll take me a month to work through all of these suggestions and potential optimizations :). I suspected there were folks in the world who took BASIC to its edges, but I had no idea :). The thread on that weird listing a while back should have been a clue, but I thought it was a one-off. I'm in awe of y'all's grasp of the finer points and look forward to learning more. I tend to try to avoid the more esoteric optimizations in favor of clarity, but in this case, so long as I notate appropriately, I'll get over it! It seems like folks tend to move their more verbose ruminations out of the BASIC files and into accompanying .DO files, that about right?



On 10/28/22 2:07 AM, MikeS wrote:

Thanks for that; I'll have to check it out later. Meanwhile, I think if we're going to use a lookup table at all then I also prefer your use of an array for H$, but I'd load it a little differently (as John and I were discussing):
5 DIM H$(15):FOR T=0 TO 15:H$(T)=CHR$(48+T-(7*(T>9))):NEXT
Tsk, tsk; you're cheating by inputting the range in decimal so you don't have to do a HEX to decimal conversion ;-) I suppose it makes sense though... More serious, using integers for the addresses restricts the dump to <8000H; I had the same problem first time around.
Enjoying the thread... wonder if Will's getting anything out of it ;-)

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* B 9 <mailto:hacke...@gmail.com>
    *To:* m...@bitchin100.com
    *Sent:* Thursday, October 27, 2022 11:38 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [M100] Notoriously S.L.O.W BASIC posted - help
    speeding it up appreciated

    On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 3:04 PM John R. Hogerhuis
    <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

        With hex it's a question though since MOD 16 can be done with
        AND 15 which is probably faster than a general integer 16
        modulus. There's no bitshift operator so you still need a
        integer divide by 16%. Who knows how efficient an integer
        divide by 16 is in the interpreter versus 4096 (integer) divides.

    That's a good question about efficiency. Integer division by 4096
    seems reasonably quick, but it would have been nice if BASIC had
    exposed the bit shift operators. (I'm presuming the 8085 had some,

    I'm not sure it'd be any faster than division by 4096, but one
    could use the fact that we're using a 2-byte integer for the
    address and just look at each byte.


    1 TS$=TIME$
    5 DIM H$(15):*FOR*  T=0*TO*  9:H$(T)=CHR$(48+T):*NEXT*  T:*FOR*  T=ASC("A")*TO*  
ASC("F"): H$(T-55)=CHR$(T):*NEXT*
    6 DIM R$(7):*FOR*  T=0*TO*  7: R$(T)=" ":*NEXT*
    10 DEFINT A-F, P: D=0: P=VARPTR(D)
    15 INPUT "Start"; ST%
    16 INPUT "End"; EN%
    20*FOR*  D=ST%*TO*  EN%
    30*IF*  (D MOD 8) = 0*THEN*  *PRINT*" ";:*FOR*  T=0*TO*  7:*PRINT*  
R$(T);:*NEXT*:*PRINT*: S=0:*GOSUB*  400
    40*GOSUB*  200
    100 REM Timing
    110 TE$=TIME$
    120*PRINT*  TS$ " to " TE$
    200 REM Print 2 hexits
    201*' *Input: D is address of an 8-bit integer**202*'*  Output: None, but 2 
hexits are printed followed by a space
    210 A=PEEK(D)
    220*PRINT *H$(A\16); H$(A MOD 16); " ";
    230*IF*  A<32*THEN*  A=46
    240 R$(S)=CHR$(A)
    250 S=S+1
    400 REM Print 4 hexits
    401*' *Input: P is address of a 16-bit little endian integer
    402*'*  Output: None, but 4 hexits are printed followed by a space
    410 A=PEEK(P+1): B=PEEK(P)
    420*PRINT *H$(A\16); H$(A MOD 16); H$(B\16); H$(B MOD 16); " ";


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