On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 2:20 PM Bert Put <b...@bertput.com> wrote:

> Hi John,
> I hope you make it generic enough for us NAS users to be able to use it;
> a Synology (for instance) could make itself visible on the interwebs
> without you needing to forward a port on your router from the outside;
> it all relies on Synology's servers being up.
> Since I don't do "social media" I try to stay off of google, FB, MS, and
> all those other funny acronyms 😄
> Regards,    Bert
Currently CloudT is a static website. It provides a single page application
of HTML, Javascript and CSS all in one shot... the cloud server doesn't
maintain any memory (beyond log files) of you or store anything about you
or your files. What storage there is is in your browser and in your own
Google Drive account (if you use that feature).

As much as possible I want to keep it that way.

It's funny, Model T programs are sometimes small enough that they could be
encoded and embedded in a URL directly in their entirety. But in the
general case, not quite small enough. Recommendations for a URL size seem
to limit at about 2,000 bytes. Model T programs can be and RAM images
certainly are bigger than that. Same order of magnitude, but not big enough.

So to facilitate sharing of programs, RAM images possibly bundled with
config/launch instructions, the bundles need to be published on the web.
Google Drive supports sharing content via URL. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP servers
were of course built for that though I think most people don't want the
hassle of managing their own servers, even with something like WebDAV which
in my experience can be a pain. Another store might be Github links or
similar... since then your URL could always provide a link to your current
hopefully least buggy version.

Anyway, the first thing would be to come up with a encoding and structure
for the URL.


bitchin100.com/CloudT?app=<encoded URL of manifest file>

The manifest file would have a list of files and machine readable launch

Cloud T would load from bitchin100. Then inside the browser, the javascript
code would go get the manifest file, pull each component and then run
simple launch instructions to inject into the emulation and start the

Bitchin100 CloudT wouldn't then need to store anything. It would all be up
to the person sharing their program to publish a manifest file and
component files.

All that would have to happen is CloudT would need to learn the manifest
format, implementing javascript to GET it, GET files it points to, inject
and launch.

-- John.

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