> Date:          Sat, 13 Sep 2003 00:12:37 +1000
> From:          Darren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:       Re: I just installed SoftWindows! (well, almost)

> MUGWump wrote:
> > 1) The GUI setup states that I can turn on a "My Computer" feature 
> > which allows me direct access to my PC's files. I turned it on, but 
> > the feature doesn't come up. Is there something I'm missing because 
> > of the version of the OS I'm using or because it's not a full OS 
> > install? Right now I have to use TransMac to move a file into the HFV 
> > file.
> Your missing lots of little bits, 50mb is big enough for a custom
> install. theres a 10mb 7.5.3.img.bin file for a 7.5.3 install cd

I'll go look for it. I've got room for that.

> > 2) Disk Copy 4.2 will run in the environment, but it won't directly 
> > read a floppy. I was able to get a Mac floppy to mount, but Disk Copy 
> > wouldn't have anything to do with it. The "Read Master Disk" option 
> > is greyed out. I was able to get Basilisk II to mount the floppy 
> > (without having to create an HFV image first), and I tried both 
> > drag/dropping it to the open Disk Copy 4.2 window and drag/dropping 
> > it to the Disk Copy icon. Nada.
> Check your options in the B2 gui, never tried so I dont know.
> Have you booted basilisk from a floppy yet?
> Here's something I like called RawriteWin 
> http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/rawwrite.htm works well for
> sending images of mac floppies to other pc users, don't know if
> anything will mount them on a mac.

I have successfully booted Basilisk II from a floppy, so floppy 
access itself isn't an issue. The issue is creating a floppy disk 
image which can be recreated under a Mac environment. The Shrinkwp 
utility Craig referred to has potential, once I find a working copy 
of Shrinkwrap--the 3.0 I've dug up so far had a file with no content 
(but a resource fork) supposedly containing a serial number, but I 
couldn't find a serial number and it was too old to work in demo 
mode. So I have to dig a little more.

My concern about RAWREAD and similar utilities is that it creates 
just a raw floppy image, and my expertise in this area is too weak to 
know if a raw floppy image (sans resource fork, etc.) will 
reconstitute on a Mac, and I've had no luck finding an equivalent to 
RAWRITE for a Mac.
> > Darren, you mentioned a Disk Copy 3.5. Would you send that to 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (my binary drop box)? It might work better. In the 
> > meantime, I'm going to see what ShrinkWrap does (I have 3.0 and 3.5).
> If I ever get mol running.
> http://macfaq.org/software/macos.shtml#Q1.1.6 has some words about
> what I'm on about. Shrinkwrap might work

Was it Shrinkwrap 3.5 you were thinking of instead of Disk Copy 3.5? 
I don't know where any version of Disk Copy prior to 4.2 can be 
found. I've got Shrinkwrap (somewhere). I've previously read the 
article at the URL you were talking about, so it didn't add to the 
subject for me. Thanks anyway. 

> > Gregg, if you know someone with that Quadra 650 ROM, would you ask 
> > them to send it to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] The ROM I'm using is a Quadra 
> > 700/900 ROM, which Basilisk II says itself "This is the worst known 1 
> > MB ROM". 
> <http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.web-
> emulation.com/article.php%3Fid_article%3D23&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522
> palmos.rom%2B%2522%26start%3D50%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%
> 3DUTF-8%26sa%3DN> I cant find the english mirror. ;)

Got it. BTW, you might be interested in knowing that there are 
websites now that will "smushify" (to use the term Patrick Crispen 
used in his "Internet Tourbus" article on the subject) a long URL 
like that to a short one that is easy to send. My favorite is 
TinyURL, which converted that four-line URL to 
<http://tinyurl.com/n4vb>. Click on that one and it'll bounce you to 
that big long URL, but you don't have to piece it together in a text 
editor to get a working URL (hoping letters didn't get lost in 

BTW, I recommend "The Internet Tourbus" <http://www.tourbus.com> very 
highly--it's a free semi-weekly e-newsletter, has just a few goodies 
per issue so it's quick and easy to read, and is very helpful. If you 
want to read the article about URL smushifiers and how easy they are 
to use, just go to <http://tinyurl.com/mktq>. Isn't that easier than 
piecing together <http://www.tourbus.com/cgi-bin/archive.pl/2003/tb071603.htm/~~~~~~To
ur bus~--~16~July~03~--~URL~Smushifiers~/~Sausagegate> ?
> Now would you explain why you must make a image to transfer part 3
> of a segmented file. It would be much easier to just zip the file
> and send it. Then unzip it at the other end and copy it to disk 4 on
> the mac. The info for segmented files is stored the first segment,
> the pieces will loose their icons but should still work.

I suppose, now that I think about it, that copying the files into 
Basilisk and making a .sit file would be less hassle than what I'm 
going through than trying to make images of the floppies; I just 
prefer to send disk images so that everything can be reconstructed 
as it was on the original disk. BTW, why do you call it a "segmented 
file"? Are you looking at your own SW 1.01 disks and see it set up 
that way? I haven't even dug out mine yet since I don't know for sure 
that I have a way to send them.

Craig, we'll get you taken care of one way or another! :-)

I'm a MUGWump: My "MUG" is on the Mac side of the fence (since mid-2002), and 
my "Wump" is on the PC side (since 1989). I've been on the trailing edge of 
computer technology since 1987 and love it! [P.S.] Due to limitations on this 
account, please send binaries to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and a confirmation note here. 

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