I've been trying to create a new drive image file for use with my PC Compatibility Card. I've tried to create one while initializing it. DOS can't see the drive. I then tried to make one without initializing the drive. DOS will format it, but only 255MB out of 1024MB.

I'm using PCSetup 2.1.7 on a modified 7200 case/7300 CD-ROM and case badge/8500 logic board. :) It is running 9.1 with 160MB RAM, a 604/180mhz processor, 2 x 1GB SCSI drives and an external Seagate 9GB 68-pin SCSI with a 68-50 pin adapter.

Any suggestions? I'm thinking of reverting to PC Setup 1.6.4 - I have no interest in running Windows on it at the moment.


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