On 27 Feb 2004 at 23:49, Robin Ashe wrote: > > While I have PC emulators (VirtualPC, RealPC), the PC Compatibility > > card blows them away for speed with the hardware that I have. > > Well, speaking of performance, you should be able to get a P2 system for a > pitance or even for free these days.
I would think most of us here would understand the significance of P2, P3, etc, performance in comparison to VPC and Mac DOS card performance.... but these processors, unfortunately have little bearing on "Mac-n-DOS" issues [unless Mac emulation is involved] . So perhaps you are straying needlessly off topic here.... However, I read in a [New Zealand] newsgroup about two days ago, one hopeful soul trying to flog off his old 486 for NZ$700 [a way, way too ridiculous a price even in NZ dollars] citing it as being great for email and as a "cool learning environment" for kiddies. You can guess the response [and ear-bashing] that he received. Mike -- Mac-N-DOS is sponsored by <http://lowendmac.com/> and... / Buy books, CDs, videos, and more from Amazon.com \ / <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/lowendmac> \ Support Low End Mac <http://lowendmac.com/lists/support.html> Mac-N-DOS list info: <http://lowendmac.com/lists/mac-n-dos.shtml> --> AOL users, remove "mailto:" Send list messages to: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For digest mode, email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subscription questions: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Archive: <http://www.mail-archive.com/mac-n-dos%40mail.maclaunch.com/> Using a Mac? Free email & more at Applelinks! http://www.applelinks.com