Marta, thanks for including a phone number other than the usual for Insight, as
my experience has been since I had cable modem installed in September, I have
had to call them several times for problems with connection, ect.I would be very
hesitant to switch to them for the local phone service, based on the performance
of the broadband service. Thanks again, Mike Robertson
> Recently somebody asked about the Insight modems. I am in the process of 
> switching to Insight Cable. The modem is free, that is,  it is on eternal 
> loan, I guess as long as the company doesn't fold or you kick the bucket or 
> switch. The installation is free, that is ?? hey bring it into the house. You 
> have to do your own hookup to the computer. There is a deal that allows you 
> to get three months for less - the usual bait, and then there is this package 
> deal where you take it all from them, cable, telephone and internet , there 
> are a few extras. I spoke with Sharah at 357-4451 - not the regular customer 
> number, there you get all that automated stuff. She was all right, gave me 
> her full attention and checked numerous things out ( 1 1/2 hours). It was 
> pretty helpful. Although I don't know whether you get that attention when 
> they have hooked you.  
> Marta , former Heinzelm??nnchenk??nigin of UofL.
> | The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will

> | be January 28. The LCS Web page is <>.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 28. The LCS Web page is <>.

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