I am only a couple of weeks away from the striped one!!!

On Jan 29, 2006, at 17:35, Jerry Yeager wrote:

> Yup, you need the striped one for this feature.
>                       Jerry
> On Jan 29, 2006, at 5:19 PM, Marta Edie wrote:
>> It is all Tiger only, right? I mean that dictionary thing? I can look 
>> up  a  word under services, or find a contextual menu with everything 
>> but dictionary. So I assume it's the tiger beast that has all those 
>> features. I am still Panther based.
>> Marta
>> As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words 
>> are
>> used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by
>> destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people 
>> will
>> solemnly vote against their own interests. -Gore Vidal, writer (1925- 
>> )
>> On Jan 29, 2006, at 17:00, Jerry Yeager wrote:
>>> Also you can select a word or phrase in the Mail message (or in 
>>> other apps) and then hold down the control key while you click on 
>>> the highlighted selection. A contextual menu will pop-up with "Look 
>>> Up In Dictionary" being one of the choices.
>>>                     Jerry
>>> On Jan 29, 2006, at 4:25 PM, R. D. Preston wrote:
>>>> On Jan 29, 2006, at 3:49 PM, Bill Micou wrote:
>>>>> but now I also know where to find the OSX-Tiger dictionary 
>>>>> (command control D). Hey, it doesn't work in Mail.
>>>>> Bill Micou
>>>> Alternate methods for Dictionary access:
>>>> 1) Launch Dictionary directly, and then set its Dock icon to stay 
>>>> with
>>>>  the "Keep in Dock" option; allows Dock access whenever you need it.
>>>> 2) Highlight questionable word while in Mail composition window,
>>>>  then go to [Mail > Services > Look Up In Dictionary].
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Russ Preston
>>> -----------------------------------
>>> No! George
>> | The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
>> | be January 24  at Pitt Academy, 6010 Preston Highway.
>> | The LCS Web page is <http://www.kymac.org>.
>> | List posting address: <mailto:macgroup at erdos.math.louisville.edu>
>> | List Web page: <http://erdos.math.louisville.edu/macgroup>
> ----------------------------------
> Someday, I will come up with a clever signature line. I am not sure if 
> I will use it or not, but I will come up with one. In the mean time 
> this next one will have to do:
> U.S. Constitution: Fourth Amendment
> The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, 
> and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be 
> violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, 
> supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the 
> place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 24  at Pitt Academy, 6010 Preston Highway.
| The LCS Web page is <http://www.kymac.org>.
| List posting address: <mailto:macgroup at erdos.math.louisville.edu>
| List Web page: <http://erdos.math.louisville.edu/macgroup>

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