I think I've gotten all my computer's quirks fixed. In attempting to get 
iWork to work, I tried all the usual things and eventually deleted the 
System caches. This solved many problems. Now all seems OK. Apple's Mail 
application works both to receive and send, but meanwhile I've gotten 
use to Thunderbird. And this control-click things for Dictionary doesn't 
seem to work in Thunderbird. It does in Mail.


Jerry Yeager wrote:
> Hello Anne,
> I am wondering if the install of Tigger was complete for your system? 
> (You have listed a few oddities since updating...)
> If you start up Dictionary and open its preferences do you have a 
> choice for the contextual menu; either Open Dictionary Application or 
> Open Dictionary Panel?
>             Jerry
> On Jan 29, 2006, at 10:23 PM, Anne Cartwright wrote:
>> I'm using Tiger and when I highlight a word and try the control-click 
>> thing, the contextual menu that pops up doesn't have "Look Up In 
>> Dictionary" as one of its choices.
>> Anne 

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