Ed, thanks so much. I have no idea why I could do it all , except the iCal wasn't cooperating. I have done the switches with every computer I had, but this one little item, -- I don't know how many times I turned on the international panel , and everything else I could perform easily.

But to tell the truth, who would find this little triangle up there where it actually makes no sense. People would want to get rid of the am pm stuff , so they probably never look to top left. Whoever designed this, must have had a certain amount of Bourbon in him.

Thanks a million, Ed, --- and yes, if anybody can get me a little clip- on for my iPhone, then I would not have to take my laptop tomorrow as I am headed for DC. But I shall take my old reliable iBook, more stable than my "fancy" MBp which has had a mind of its own and has been testing my intelligence from the time I brought the thing home. Everything that could go wrong, it seems, did go wrong with this -oh- so advanced technology.

Now I am happy, though, not to be confronted with the little word "noon" every time I open iCal.

On Jan 4, 2009, at 08:08 am, Ed Wiser wrote:

Marta here is how you do this task:
Launch System Preferences and open the International preference pane in the Personal panel. Press the Formats tab and then the Customize… button in the center, under the Times section.

Under the Show: Short menu, you should see two values listed, the first representing hours, and the second representing minutes. If you click on that first value, you should see a downward-facing triangle. Press it to drop-down a menu on the right hand side of the value, and select the 01-24 format choice. Press the OK button, and quit.

iCal should display 24 hour times from that point on, though some users—all or most using releases prior to version 2—indicating that existing event times don’t shift to 24 hour representation. note* you may have to quit ical before the change appears.

The trick is clicking on the downward arrow. Then clicking on the 1-24 or 01-24 format depending on how you wish time to be displayed. You should then be able to launch iCal and it should be in the 24 hour format.

Oh and the iPhone Pro is just someone's wish for an iPhone.

There have been hacked bluetooth keyboard support for jailbreaked iPhones.

I think a small keyboard you could clip on to the iPhone would be nice. For those times you are traveling and don't want to carry a full laptop with you.

On Jan 3, 2009, at 20:21 , Marta Edie wrote:

In all my computers except in my MBp can I display the time in my calendar in the 24 hour mode. I have not succeeded in doing this in this leopard loaded computer.I am sure there is a way, but where is it?

The am pm display just seems so old fashioned, I would like to get rid of it as i would of pound and ounces and miles and yards and feet. And every time I look at my calendar in the week display mode, it bothers me to read noon and 8am etc and then again 8 pm .


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