
Don't worry too much about seeing 8am and 8pm on your computer display. In reality, this is not the real celestial time anyhow. Aviators use Zulu time, (same as Greenwich time) which is perhaps the best way to go.

For all you people in Louisville, perhaps you should know that your court house is at longitude 85 degrees and 45.58 minutes west, so celestial noon will not occur until 12:43 in the afternoon when we are on standard time. When on daylight savings time, celestial noon comes at 1:43, meaning that then we are nearly two hours off off nature's cycle. Most people in the world are smarter, and try to regulate their time so that they live within a half hour of natural or celestrial time.

Incidentally, I can understand wanting to get rid of pounds and ounces, but if you got rid of your feet, how would you all walk around?


On Jan 43, 1120092007, at 8:21 PM, Marta Edie wrote:

In all my computers except in my MBp can I display the time in my calendar in the 24 hour mode. I have not succeeded in doing this in this leopard loaded computer.I am sure there is a way, but where is it?

The am pm display just seems so old fashioned, I would like to get rid of it as i would of pound and ounces and miles and yards and feet. And every time I look at my calendar in the week display mode, it bothers me to read noon and 8am etc and then again 8 pm .


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