On Jul 1, 2016, at 9:30 AM, Jane Plunkett <janeplunk...@win.net> wrote:

> If you don't use Time Machine, what do you use?

I didn’t say I don’t use Time Machine; I said I don’t trust it. I just make 
sure Time Machine isn’t my only backup. My backup schemes are a little more 
arcane than most.

In my home I back up the Macs to two different places. I have a My Cloud 
<http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=1140> network storage device 
and an Ubuntu Linux server, both on the local network. My desktop machine is 
backed up with Time Machine to the My Cloud and via rsync to the Linux machine. 
This gives me two backups.

In my office, the desktop machine is backed up with Time Machine to a USB 
connected hard drive and via rsync to a Linux server located elsewhere in the 

My MacBook is a different story. When it wakes up, it looks to see where it is. 
If it’s in my office, it backs up to the Linux machine down the hall with 
rsync. If it’s at home, it does Time Machine to the My Cloud and rsync to the 
home Linux box, just like the desktop machine.

In addition to this, all my current work is done in my Dropbox folder so I can 
work on it anywhere and have it magically backed up on all my machines.


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