I too am interested in using ZMQ to pass status and commands from guis to 
Presently the new python-based guis use Gstat which reads NML messages and 
sends GObject signals.
Unfortunately GStat also holds information that would be nice to be global 
between all the GUIs.
But each gui gets it's own GStat - and they can't talk to each other.

ya replacing NML to something modern and documented would be great. Still 
beyond my skill.

Unfortunately with out explained-example-code  / simple user type docs I 
would need to be a ZMQ/protobuffer/mk expert to use it.

I don't even know what a protobuffer is. (I could probably guess though)

I really wish we could get linuxcnc and MK working together so we didn't 
need to duplicate effort... 

Anyways thank you for the references they will prove useful.

Chris M

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