On Monday, May 20, 2019 at 5:37:31 AM UTC+8, mlampert wrote:
> I've installed the stretch Machinekit image from elinux.org on a 
> PocketBeagle to play around with. As it turns out some of the installed 
> drivers are indeed specific to the BBB, hal_bb_gpio being one of them (it 
> insists on mapping pin 201 to 901 and then complain that it cannot be 
> configured). After looking at the source I understand what's going on and 
> why this is happening - however, I don't know what else needs to get 
> specifically built for the pocketbeagle.
> So the question is: What's the best way to get Machinekit running on a 
> PocketBeagle?

I've had this running for a while on PB now.  The pin mapping issues should 
have been fixed for a couple of years now [1].  If the elinux.org image is 
too old to have this change, update Machinekit.  If you confirm that the 
change is in place and you're still seeing this issue, file an issue on the 
tracker, and mention @zultron to ensure I see it (though I would anyway).


[1]: https://github.com/machinekit/machinekit/commit/b58f6e83

> Thanks a lot,
> Markus

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