I have spent the better part of a couple of evenings trying to get it to 
run from sourcecode.

And i can tell you, its only because i really know my way around linuxcnc 
as a devops i actually managed to get anything done.

But here is some notes.
Repository / prebuilt packages
- They work.

- But they are missing machinekit-dev package.
  - This is important if you wanna develop anything without needing to 
setup from source.

Building my own packages
- The build tools for building a developer environment. Containers is 
great, but its really overcomplicating the crap out of it. It was way 
easier to just go grab the commands out of the docker scripts and run it 

- The dependency tree disaster.. there is so many package that is in use, 
and so little documentation. I started a list of packages i needed to get 
installed before even running configure.. its in the ball park of 60.. and 
many of them are outdated, removed, or just not possible to get working on 
a debian 9 or 10 installation

Splitting machinekit into two repositories.
- Well this is a case of the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  - Why.. well from a programmers standpoint i can understand it being 
smaller chunks to manage, but from the point of view of the user its quite 
hard to grasp all the concepts that has been applied without go digging 
into scripts, support stuff and other things the "user" usually don't 
really care for.

In the end i got all the packages built with no fuss, and was gonna runt 
the ol' dpkg -i machinekit-hal - and well.. what do you know.. it requires 
more package dependcies.. on packages that doesnt even exist anymore .. 
like "python3-avahi" .. That now makes the whole effort useless..

And final thought.. the prebuilt packages on archive is version 0.2, when 
building my own packages i made a jump to 0.4.. when going to git and 
looking in the branches.. well what do you know.. no 0.2 to be found or any 
other branch...

Please at least follow some.. "rules".. make sure the compatibility 
packages can be built, like if its gonna be a split of source code.. make 
sure there is coherent documentation on how to compile it.. When compiling 
i get the machinekit-dev package btw, why isnt that on archive?!

I'm working as a senior devops / project manager in my day to day.. I will 
happily pitch in with some organizationl chops and hand pointing if it 
would help the project.. Also happy writing documentation. I basically 
already have for my experiments with this.

website: http://www.machinekit.io blog: http://blog.machinekit.io github: 
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