Great, thanks for finding it!

I've seen lots of people purchasing 3DP controller boards to upgrade 
3DP/Lasers/CNC's(consumer stuff) and many of them also use an rPi with 
OctoPrint or CNCjs, GridBot etc.
I like this approach in that all of my macines(4 3DPs, 2 laser cutters and 
1 CNC) all have consumer grade controllers in them running on different 
uCPUs. Some AVR328, STM32, LPC17xx and one a BBB/CRAMPS.
But would love to be able to have LinuxCNC/Machinekit on an rPi doing the 
control, UI, setup. 

On Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 11:02:18 AM UTC-8 wrote:

> Hi,
> the code is available in - looks 
> like he though that spiPRU is not a great name and changed it to something 
> more flashy.
> Looks interesting from programming point of view, but I wonder how many 
> people would buy Smoothieboard and RPi both to run 3D printer with LinuxCNC 
> on it? Most will stay with Smoothie, I think.
> Cern.
> Dne úterý 16. února 2021 v 19:18:20 UTC+1 uživatel 
> napsal:
>> I was about to start on setting up a Xylotex BareBoneCNC with a 
>> BBB/Machinekit and thought I'd look at what's going on with Raspberry Pi in 
>> CNC world. I found a video of a guy driving a Mesa board over USB with 
>> LinuxCNC and it looked impressive(doesn't take much).
>> Got to wondering if a standard 3DP controller like SKR, Smoothieboard, 
>> etc couldn't run firmware similar to the MESA board and only found mention 
>> of this spiPRU but no details, code, anything.
>> I searched for spiPRU here and in general inter-web lands and found 
>> nothing but the mention of it in the above git repo.  If anyone knew about 
>> it I figured they would be here.
>> Thx

website: blog: github:
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