On 24/10/01 at 8:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gavin Kistner) wrote:

> Is this a flaw in OS X's Software Update, or something specific 
> to the way this particular update was phrased? Either way it's 
> very frustrating. (If I hadn't seen information about this 
> update plastered on the news sites, I never would have even 
> known it was available!)

I think this may possibly be an OS X flaw. I've moved IE (into /Applications/Web
browsers) and when I installed the 3408 build from software update it just made
a new application in /Applications. I then moved this new IE back into
/Applications/Web browsers and Software Update told me I hadn't updated...

There's still a receipt in /Library/Receipts... But perhaps the receipt system
expects to find software in a certain place and if you move it it gets antsy.

I reserve the right to be amateurishly wrong about this.


   Matt Patterson | Typographer
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://reprocessed.org/

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