Well Matt Patterson wrote something or other on 10/26/01 1:30 AM

> back into
> /Applications/Web browsers and Software Update told me I hadn't updated...
> There's still a receipt in /Library/Receipts... But perhaps the receipt system
> expects to find software in a certain place and if you move it it gets antsy.
> I reserve the right to be amateurishly wrong about this.

It's happened to me too, in x not x.1 though.
I hope there's a fix because I **DO NOT** want umpteen programs all crowded
together in /Applications. I want them in /Applications/Internet,
/Applications/Art etc. IF you could tell the program where to install it
then that *should* fix it.


"Time's fun when you're having flies." -- Kermit the Frog

Rich Hansen

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