On Jul 2, 2010, at 8:43 AM, st...@paper-ape.com wrote:

> On 2010-07-02 03:57 , Rudolf O.Durrer wrote:
>> For whatever reason, this sidebar sometimes changes back to default. I
>> therefore have saved a copy of the "com.apple.sidebarlists.plist", which
>> I can "retransfer" to the preferences folder via a small applescript.
>> The script also quits and restarts then the Finder.
>> That mostly works, but not always: from time to time, the Finder seems
>> to refuse to read all items of the relevant plist file, showing only a
>> few part of them....
> i'd say you're on your own with this; the sidebar plist is used other places 
> besides Finder (e.g. open/save dialogs), so it may be that what you are doing 
> conflicts with another app
> i think the best route would be to solve the original problem; i use 10.5.8 
> and i modify my sidebar fairly often; i've never seen it revert the way you 
> describe; if i had to debug that problem i would look for triggers that make 
> the sidebar "change back to default" -- is this associated with certain 
> events such as crashes of Finder or the system, running a certain app, log 
> entries?

I think the sentence you trimmed from Rudolf's OP may clarify:

> I wish to keep a certain order of the items in my Finder window sidebar in 
> OSX 10.5.8.

When I read this, I understood him to be saying that he manually re-orders 
items such as individual volumes in mounted drives section (try it, it works!) 
and wants them to stay in that order permanently, not that certain features of 
the sidebar suddenly appear and disappear.  I was prone to this interpretation 
mainly because a MUG member on another list made this complaint within the past 
few weeks.  If this is his complaint, I don't have a good answer.  The MUG 
member also complained that when he assigns colors to his volumes, sometimes 
they persevere, and sometimes they go back to uncolored, which is the same 
caliber of problem.

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