10.7 (Lion) will by default, no longer allow anyone except the current console 
user to dismiss an active password protected screen saver. In previous versions 
of Mac OS X, it was possible to enter the name of any local administrator 
account credentials and bypass the screen saver, regardless of who was 
currently logged into the console. 

In this environment computers are required to be locked so IT maintains a local 
master admin account on all computers so that an IT staff member could do 
maintenance/troubleshooting at an end user's Mac locked with a screen saver. 
The end user is not required to be present to physically unlock the screen 

I believe this problem exists if you ARD in to the computer as well.

In 10.6 you would be required to edit the /etc/pam.d/screensaver file in order 
for this to work but that does not work in 10.7. Part of the problem in 10.7 is 
that with a locked screensaver only the credentials of the current console user 
is presented and it doesn't appear that there is anyway to switch to another 
admin user.

Does anyone know if this behavior can be changed? Am I just missing something 
really simple?



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