Well... "Fast User Switching" is just that, switching between users. 

I need to stay within the logged in user only use the tech account credentials 
to unlock the screensaver. Sorry but in this scenario it's not a good thing.

Thanks for your suggestions. If I figure out a way to do what we've been doing 
in OS X for years... I'll let you know.

On Oct 5, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Scott Roebuck wrote:

> Sorry about the worthless unenforceable bull-crap... I usually turn that off 
> and it really has nothing to do with our IT department.
> Thanks for the suggestion though... I'll give it a shot in the morning. 
> Although... if I go directly to the admin account, won't that just put me in 
> the admin account?
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 7:18 PM, LuKreme wrote:
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:34, Scott Roebuck <sroeb...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> 10.7 (Lion) will by default, no longer allow anyone except the current 
>>> console user to dismiss an active password protected screen saver. In 
>>> previous versions of Mac OS X, it was possible to enter the name of any 
>>> local administrator account credentials and bypass the screen saver, 
>>> regardless of who was currently logged into the console. 
>> And this is a good thing.
>>> In this environment computers are required to be locked so IT maintains a 
>>> local master admin account on all computers so that an IT staff member 
>>> could do maintenance/troubleshooting at an end user's Mac locked with a 
>>> screen saver. The end user is not required to be present to physically 
>>> unlock the screen saver.
>> If you have fast user switching turned on, simply switch tot he wfmin 
>> account without touching the user's login. I do this all the time.
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>> This does nothing to inspire confidence in your IT department. This 
>> worthless unenforceable bullcrap should not be sent to a mailing list. What 
>> I will do with this message is the same as I do with ALL messages containing 
>> this shit, put it on a public facing web server for google indexing.
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> Scott Roebuck
> sroeb...@mac.com
> "When All Else Fails, Discontinue the use of All Else."
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