On Oct 17, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Jochem Huhmann wrote:

> Scot Hacker <shac...@birdhouse.org> writes:
>> Am I overlooking something obvious, or is it really not possible to
>> subscribe to a public calendar (like a Google calendar) from the
>> iCloud UI?
> Looks very much as if you can share calendars only to other iCloud users
> and can not subscribe to calendars outside of iCloud.

I did find what looks like a solution after posting:


The key is that you have to set it up from a Lion desktop (not the web), and 
you have to set iCloud specifically as the storage location. So your existing 
public calendar subscriptions won't come over automatically and you can't do it 
from the web.

In my case, the concern was that I went ahead with the iCloud migration even 
though I still have some SL machines. For a minute there it looked like I was 
going to lose access to all  shared non-Apple calendars, but as long as you 
have one Lion machine you can get it to work. Still, it seems like a silly 
omission from the web UI. 

> iCloud seems to be not even "me too", really. Why should I use the
> iCloud calendars if Google Calendar works as well, is also free and is
> much more open to the world? Same with mail.

I mostly agree - the case for iCloud over Google tools is getting pretty slim.


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