On Oct 18, 2011, at 6:41 AM, Jochem Huhmann wrote:

> What's better with iCloud is the much easier setup.

For me it's more about lock-in. I'm deeply invested in iPhoto, iTunes, iCal, 
Address Book, etc. As a Mac user with iOS devices, It just makes sense to use 
iCloud  / Apple services to keep everything smooth and sync'd up. Switching to 
Google services or an Android phone would mean a huge hassle in data conversion 
and keeping stuff sync'd up. Everything from managing your diet of podcasts to 
wrangling family  calendars depends on being in one camp or the other (e.g. if 
I got an Android phone how would I get my iTunes podcast subscriptions onto it? 
and so on) I don't even want to  think about the chaos of tools and adapters 
and converters that would be necessary to bridge the gap.

Seems to me that one can't really jump  between these two worlds (Google and 
Apple) easily. Each has its own self-contained ecosystem of software, hardware, 
and services. To work smoothly on either platform means going all-in.


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