On Mar 8, 2012, at 6:06 AM, Jared Earle <jea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No Siri because they do a Wifi-only iPad. Think about it.

What would be nice, though very hard to do really, would be to have it know if 
you are connected and have Siri enabled, with a non-Siri voice thing otherwise. 
 That would lead to inconsistency though so I see why it is not there.

> No Thunderbolt because … seriously, the 40-pin connector is called a 40-pin 
> connector because it has 40 pins, some of which are used for stuff you 
> couldn't do with Thunderbolt. 

Thunderbolt on the iPad would be kind of silly, it doesn't need that bandwidth 
at this point.  Apple would have a hard time changing the dock connector 
anyway.  There is a whole cottage industry around that thing.

Overall there were a number of very nice changes.  The retina display for the 
iPad  is amazing imho.  That is the thing that pushed me to deciding to get 
one.  I read a lot on my ipad so it will be nice. 

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