On 2017-09-27, at 7:08 AM, LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2017, at 23:36, Michael <keybou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Apple's implementation of "full screen application" is really "one 
>> full-screen window", and makes it a pain for apps that have multiple windows 
>> or even multi-app'ing.
> I use  full screen mode for Mail on my laptop exclusively. I find it works 
> very well, especially with the tabs that are available in 10.12 and now with 
> the way the message windows are treated in 10.13. By putting account folders 
> in my tab bar and hiding the mailbox view most of the time and learning some 
> hot keys, I get through mail much much faster than I used to.
> Different than you are used to is not worse, but mail has changed very little 
> in its UI since 10.9, or, in fact, since they introduce the new layout in.... 
> 10.7?

I routinely have multiple mail windows open at once, referencing one while 
writing in another.

Or, I'll have my send window as big as possible, so I can read what I'm saying.

In general, my windows for writing text tend to either be full-screen, or 
smaller and the screen is shared by multiple windows. 

And, that's not even taking into account when I'm dictating into a Dictate 
window, while I have other windows open for referencing info in them.

I love the 10.12 "auto-hide the menu bar". Between auto-hide menu bar, and 
auto-hide dock, I don't need or want "take over both monitors". (Oh yea -- 
10.12 would not let me adjust overscan on my HDMI, nor split a window across 
both. I know that second is a setting somewhere, but the overscan?)

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