On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 07:25 AM, Charles Albrecht wrote:
> Since the .ics files are in the iCalendar (RFC2445 )format, Date::ICal 
> would probably be a good place to start. You may find some discussion 
> at reefknot - http://reefknot.org/ - and on the reefknot sourceforge 
> lists.
Has anyone successfully parsed a iCal.app .ics file using Net::ICal? 
(Date::Ical does not address the entire file format, Net::ICal does)

This script:

use Net::ICal;
$icalStr = `cat /Users/alex/Library/Calendars/ARCtime.ics`;
my $cal = Net::ICal::Calendar->new_from_ical($icalStr) || die $!;

Dies with output:

Invalid duration: seconds at /Library/Perl/Net/ICal/Component.pm line 
Invalid duration: seconds at /Library/Perl/Net/ICal/Component.pm line 
Invalid duration: seconds at /Library/Perl/Net/ICal/Component.pm line 
MethodMapper: Can't invoke _create on Net::ICal::Duration at 
/Library/Perl/Net/ICal/Property.pm line 135
Can't call method "restore" on an undefined value at 
/Library/Perl/Net/ICal/Property.pm line 178.

I would love to hear of any success stories or ideas what's going wrong 

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

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