On Thursday, September 19, 2002, at 02:26  AM, Celeste Suliin Burris 
> I have a bad habit of reading through the instructions.
> At http://www.perl.com/CPAN-local/src/README.html it states:

Oh, I see.  The thing is, I wouldn't really call that page "the 
instructions."  The Perl community is quite decentralized, and that page 
is just somebody's (outdated) advice.

The only stuff that can really be considered authoritative is stuff 
within the source tarball itself, or stuff written by Larry Wall (as 
long as it hasn't been superseded by later of his writings).

One wouldn't really know that until one's been around perl for quite a 
while, though.  That's one of the drawbacks of having a decentralized 
community.  Luckily it also has some rather huge advantages.


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