warning: rant imminent.

DBD::Pg is a World of Pain on mac os x.  i thought i would have my 
database-accessing cgi script written by now but as usual i've ended up 
burning my morning fighting with yet another CPAN module on mac os x.  
apache/mod_cgi works fine on jaguar out of the box, and installing 
postgresql from entropy.ch was easy, as was installing DBI.  but 
DBD::Pg is refusing to work.  anyway, enough useless bitching...

% sudo ranlib /usr/local/pgsql/lib/pgsql.a
% perl Makefile.PL
[output omitted]
% make
[some compiler warnings]
% make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib 
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin -I/System/Library/Perl -e 'use 
Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t
t/00basic...........dyld: /usr/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
         Test returned status 0 (wstat 5, 0x5)

i have omitted the remainder of the output, it just says that the other 
tests are skipped.

i presume this those symbols are the names of C functions, and that 
this a problem with XS code somewhere.  but why the hell would a DBD 
driver be interested in SSL?

i am hoping somebody else has followed this road less travelled [0] [1] 
with more success and can help me.

0. http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.html#03128
1. http://david.wheeler.net/osx.html


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