On 10/31/02 5:26 PM, "Vic Norton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the help, everyone. I've spent much of the afternoon
> trying to find out how to get the Developer Tools CD that doesn't
> come with new Macs. After a couple of calls to Apple I was finally
> directed to <http://developer.apple.com>, but that didn't help much.
> To download the software I need to be registered. Apparently I am
> already registered, but the only passwords I can think of don't work.
> When I try to get help, they ask me for my birth date. I can remember
> that: April 22 (1935). "Nope," Apple says, "The authentication
> provided doesn't match our records."

I've heard that new Macs come with a disk image of the Developers Tool CD.
I'm not sure where it's located, though; perhaps in the Applications
Directory, in a folder called "Installers", if my memory serves.

 - geoff

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