On Saturday, November 2, 2002, at 03:02  PM, Vic Norton wrote:
So here is the answer to your homework exercise. There is exactly one nonsquare multiple of 4 less than or equal to 10,000,000 that is not the sum of a square and a prime. That nonsquare multiple of 4 is 3,676.

Note that all small, nonsquare multiples of 4 do have a square plus prime decomposition:
8 = 1 + 7, 12 = 1 + 11, 20 = 1 + 19 = 9 + 11,
24 = 1 + 23, 28 = 9 + 19 = 25 + 3, ...

The exercise with the 10,000,000 upper limit took 26 minutes and 53 seconds on my new iMac. I don't think I'll try it on my Power Computing tower. When I set the upper limit at 2,000,000 rather than 10,000,000, the comparative computation times were
Power Computing 240 MHz: 8 minutes, 43 seconds,
iMac 800 MHz: 2 minutes, 53 seconds.
So far, no matter which machine I use, the answer is always the same: 3,676.
Interesting, where did you find this problem? Is it conjectured that 3,676 is the only such number, or are there other known ones above 10M?

Also, how did you use Bit::Vector to search? Want to post your code?


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