After coming back from a busy week and reading all the threads on my DropScript question, the example below is working for me. I appreciate all the input from this list. Thank you all.

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Delacour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Nov 10, 2002  6:00:40  AM US/Pacific
Subject: Re: Am I missing necessary DropScript configurations?

At 7:16 am -0500 10/11/02, Sherm Pendley wrote:

Wilfredo *did* try it, and described the results. Since that part of his message was missing from your reply (how convenient), I'll repost it: "(I don't log in as an admin user because it's generally unsafe, so in my case I get permission denied.)"

I tried it as well, with the same results. If you're logged in as an admin user, it works. If you're not, it doesn't.
Why not, then, just suggest an improvement instead of copping an attitude? ...

$report = qq~$ENV{HOME}/report.txt~ ;
open REPORT, qq~>$report~ ;
for (@ARGV) {
++$i ;
print REPORT qq~$i. $_\n~;
`open $report` ; # shell command

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