In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jefferson R. Lowrey) wrote:

> Actually, I wonder where the break-even point is for maintaining a separate 
> 'MacPerl on OS 9/Classic" is. At some point in the very near future, if it 
> hasn't happened already, the majority of Macintosh users will be running OS 
> X.  MacPerl will still be relevant, as people will be using it from Classic.  
> But it won't be a common experience.  

MacPerl may die someday, but I won't be the one to send it to its grave.  

> Generally the subscribers to the macosx list seem less bothered by off topic 
> posts than the subscribers to the macperl list seem.  But that may also 
> change as more of the macperl subscribers move to macosx (or add macosx to 
> their subscriptions).   

Yes, I will recommend people come to the macosx@ list for most 
discussions about Mac::Carbon if this is what is decided.  As long as 
people here don't care so much when the MacPerl users invade, that's 
fine with me.

I'll probably just say that people should discuss development and such 
issues on macosx@, and be free to discuss using it on either macosx@ or 
macperl@.  I suppose this will mean some duplication of effort in 
answering questions, but I suppose that's better than using a list that 
most people won't subscribe to.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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