Hi, I'm Heather Madrone, and I just signed onto this list this

At 10:44 PM 11/14/2002 +0000, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>Switch, whether from Mac OS 9 or Win32, definitely ain't happening here :-(

I just got a Powerbook a week ago, and I'm so disgusted with it that I'm
thinking of switching back.  I've been a programmer since 1980, and 
have worked in a variety of environments, mostly Unix.  I've never had 
a more frustrating experience with a new system, except trying to get 
Oracle installed on NCR.

I've been using ActivePerl under emacs in Windows for the past 
several years.  As soon as I get perl underway on OSX, I'll be
moving my perl programs over.  I'm running perl 5.8 on mac 10.2.

I haven't yet been able to figure out how to get the carbon build of
emacs (a gui emacs) to import the locale so that the perl debugger
will run under emacs.  Any suggestions for the best way to handle

Also, which make do you use to get modules installed from CPAN?

Heather Madrone  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  http://www.madrone.com
Reality: deeper than I dreamed.

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