Heather Madrone wrote:

> Does anyone have _Mac OS X for Unix Geeks_ (O'Reilly, US $24.95)
> by Brian Jepson and Ernest E. Rothman?  It has a great title,
> but I've had mixed experiences with O'Reilly books.  If you have
> it or have seen it, is it worth the money?
> Heather Madrone  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  http://www.madrone.com
> Reality: deeper than I dreamed.

It's a question of perspective. That book is geared towards experienced
UNIX users approaching the Mac. As such, it might help sort out some of
the "Mac-isms" in OS X. I gave it a serious look, but ultimately passed.
For a very experienced UNIX user, it comes up short. I've had more
misses than hits with O'Reilly books, but the ones that are hits are
always close at hand. At this point it looks like the online resources
are the better source of info, though it can be painful to finds what
you're looking for. Obviously there is not the "community" that there is
for, say Linux, but that should get better over time. This list is
great. If you've been around Macs or perl for very long, you'll
recognize some "big names". A great source of information. But it's
still a list, you need to filter what you read here.

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