At 06:31 PM 11/21/2002 -0800, David Wheeler wrote:
>On Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 06:21  PM, Heather Madrone wrote:
>>Perhaps it doesn't look because I've been launching emacs
>>from the dock.  At some point, I'll look further into it,
>>but right now my eye is turned to the majordomo port and
>>to getting fetchmail/sendmail/procmail to work with Eudora.
>Emacs doesn't look at ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist, but Mac OS X does. You 
>have to log out and then log back in in order for your changes to this file 
>to take affect -- they're loaded at when you login. Also, try launching 
>Emacs from the terminal (This is my /usr/local/bin/emacs file, BTW):
>/Applications/ "$@"

I admit to a lot of confusion about OS X.  For example, I'm not
sure what "logging out" might mean in this context.  Does it
mean closing my Terminal session and then forking a new one,
or do I have to log out of the entire Mac session?

Heather Madrone  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Reality: deeper than I dreamed.

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