> Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/27/02 at 9:08a:
>> I'm sure somebody has at some point. I just wrote one here. It isn't a
>> full fledged tool in that it doesn't give you usage and doesn't have an
>> error checking for arguments and such, but if you always supply both
>> arguments and they are valid, it should do the job.
> I wrote something similar a while back, with switches to control
> whether the comparison ignores case and leading/trailing whitespace.
> It also does some rudimentary testing to make sure you pass exactly
> two arguments, and that both arguments are files.
> I cleaned it up with some POD and usage info (and nabbed a few
> improvements from your script and Peter N Lewis's) and put it here:
>   http://daringfireball.net/projects/bbdiff/


I had to change 'BBEdit' to 'BBEdit 6.5' to allow this to work in my

Here's a patch:

diff -u bbdiff bbdiff.new
--- bbdiff      Sun Dec  1 23:23:34 2002
+++ bbdiff.new  Sun Dec  1 23:24:05 2002
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 $old_file = File::Spec::Unix->rel2abs( $old_file );
 my $a_script = qq[
-tell application "BBEdit"
+tell application "BBEdit 6.5"
     set comp_opts to {case sensitive:$case_sensitive, ignore leading
spaces:$ignore_whitespace, ignore trailing spaces:$ignore_whitespace}
     set comp_result to compare POSIX file "$new_file" against POSIX file
"$old_file" options comp_opts
     if differences found of comp_result then

Naturally, this patch'll probably break other systems. A general solution
might try one and then the other.


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