Bruce A. Burdick, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/1/02 at 11:28p:

> I had to change 'BBEdit' to 'BBEdit 6.5' to allow this to work in my
> environment.
> Naturally, this patch'll probably break other systems. A general solution
> might try one and then the other.

You could also just change the name of your BBEdit application from
"BBEdit 6.5" to "BBEdit". There's nothing magic about the app's file
name, so this shouldn't break anything. It won't break *compiled*
applescripts, since they store a reference to application, not the
name of the app.

As a general solution for not-yet-compiled applescripts, such as
those embedded in Perl scripts, I'm not sure what to suggest, other
than not including version info in application file names. :^)

John Gruber         |   Daring Fireball: Mac Punditry and Curmudgeonry
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |              

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