On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 08:57 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

When you install a CPAN module that's an upgrade to a core module, it warns you about this issue, and explains how to avoid the problem you're having - use the "UNINST=1" option when you run Makefile.PL.

I think the UNINST=1 option is only valid when doing a 'make install', not when doing a 'perl Makefile.PL'. I haven't checked this, because it's undocumented (anywhere!), and I really hate poking around in EU::MakeMaker and EU::Install more than I have to (which is an awful lot).

In any case, you can configure CPAN.pm so that it always supplies UNINST=1 when doing 'make install', and that should solve your problem.

As for *why* the core lib always seems to appear before the site lib in @INC, I admit to being baffled. Apparently that's the way it is on most platforms, and I haven't heard any good reason for it (or actually even any bad reason other than "that's just the way it is").


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