On Monday, Mar 10, 2003, at 09:21 US/Pacific, Ken Williams wrote: [..]
perl -V:installsitelib -V:installvendorlib

first off thanks for the tip, somewhere I remember reading that it should work that way, but I will confess a complete blithe naivete about what I believe someone called 'perl golfing' but clearly this is a most excellent trick worth having!

On a Default OSX box I note:

[jeeves: 96:] perl -V:installsitelib -V:installvendorlib
[jeeves: 97:] uname -a
Darwin jeeves.wetware.com 6.3 Darwin Kernel Version 6.3: Sat Dec 14 03:11:25 PST 2002; root:xnu/xnu-344.23.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
[jeeves: 98:]

In the "for what it is worth catagory" - I do not have
an actual /Network/Library/Perl directory on Jeeves,
so it is possible that while the default apple build
has the installvendorlib defined, they may not yet
have actually worked out what they are planning to do with it.

In much the same way that the solaris version of perl has
the installvendorlib defined, and the directory exists, but is empty.
{ eg:
vladimir: 65:] /usr/perl5/bin/perl -V:installsitelib -V:installvendorlib
vladimir: 66:] perl -V:installsitelib -V:installvendorlib
vladimir: 67:]

you might want to check if you have an 'open issue'
caused by installing one of the fink modules that
may bite you.... either that or you skipped a
step when building your version of perl.

IMMHO it is important to 'support' the "installvendorlib" for
those folks who would find it a useful way to
deliver "vendor supplied, vendor supported" perl modules.

ciao drieux


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