On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 02:17:02PM -0500, Morbus Iff wrote:
> And then you get into the whole evil backlash issue - most AUP's (including
> my DSL provider, Verizon) include verbiage that says "just because we didn't
> tell you to knock it off, doesn't mean we allow it" - the very fact that
> they block port 80 is an admission that they don't want you to run a
> webserver. 

When I was looking for cable and DSL, I took a look at Verizon's
advertising on their web site. At the time, it had a FAQ section that
asked if users could run services on their machines and answered that
they recommended that only users knowledgable  about cryptrographically
secure  software attempt to run services.

Part of my decision to choose Verizon was based on that response, and
then I have proceeded to very rarely run any kind of server at all.
(for the same sort of reasons you  mentioned earlier. Servers on the
internet need to be competently administered. I know I'm capable of
doing the job, but I also know that I do not have the time to do the
job properly.)

Of course, marketing blurbs from three years ago have much less
validity than AUPs.

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