On Mar 20, 2004, at 20:35, Andrew M. Langmead wrote:

On Mar 20, 2004, at 6:09 PM, Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj wrote:
Subject: Re: Perl compiler?
Is there such an animal?
And is it GNU-ed?

Perl 5.005 and later ship with a perlcc script and the supporting infrastructure to make binary executable files out of perl scripts. Most people's opinion of it is that it is an experiment that didn't quite make it. If a script runs any faster, the difference was negligible. If it runs slower, it wouldn't
Wow - what a bummer. Time for me to find my ancient "compiler" textbook, mayhap, and write one?

be surprising. (I guess "never compiles" is a subset of "runs slower", and that is a very common situation when dealing with perlcc)
Drat. I wonder why!

See <http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6/pod/perlfaq3.html#How-can-I-compile- my-Perl-program-into-byte-code-or-C-> for details.
Thanks for the link - appreciate it!

If you are just looking for way to make the script easy to distribute, you might want to look at DropScript. <http://www.wsanchez.net/software/>. If you want to read more about the design of DropScript, read <http://www.wsanchez.net/papers/DropScript/>

If you just don't want people to peek at your source code, then look for a perl obfuscator.
Ah....  Some clients poke too much - "it's for their own good", chuckle!
And, issues of copyright, 'natch.

It isn't a strong protection of your source, and as a warning, this topic can easily lead to flame wars (Let me see if I can get them all out of the way at once: If the program is worthwhile, most of the important bits can be reclaimed with reverse engineering techniques, and if they aren't worthwhile they aren't worth protecting If you are worried about unlicensed copying of your software, a strongly worded license is much stronger legal protection. If you are afraid of tampering, take md5s of the product you ship. If you are such a strong believer in the FSF's philosophy to mention GNU, why aren't you making your software free. If you are trying to make sure you get hired back for maintenance work on a project, then the best thing you can do is to do a good job the first time. ) See
<http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.6/pod/perlfaq3.html#How-can-I-hide-the- source-for-my-Perl-program-> for some more details, or look at <http://search.cpan.org/~pmqs/Filter-1.30/decrypt/decrypt.pm> as a starting point.

Again, appreciate your time on this post!



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