OK... I changed the permissions. Still no change. The file is not being backed up. How do I check to see if the script is even executing? Is there a log I can look at? I haven't changed anything from the standard install for 10.3. I'm the only person on the machine. Do I need to "activate" perl like I need to when running apache?

Thanks so much for your help,


On Apr 27, 2004, at 3:46 PM, Bruce Van Allen wrote:

On 4/27/04 Mark Wheeler wrote:
Good question. Here are the results.
The permissions for the /Users/xxxxxx/Documents directory is:
drwx------   7 xxxxxx  xxxxxx   238 27 Apr 15:08 Documents

The permission for the /Users/xxxxxx/Library/Scripts directory is:

drwxr-xr-x 3 xxxxxx xxxxxx 102 27 Apr 14:22 Scripts

Does that look right? Or should the Documents directory be the same as

Most likely your script is not running as owner, so you probably want drwxrwxrwx for the Documents directory ( chmod 0777, '/Users/xxxxxx/Documents' ).

The Scripts directory is correct.

On Apr 27, 2004, at 3:24 PM, Bruce Van Allen wrote:
Is that "Permission Denied" for execution of your script? Perhaps
it's for writing the file. Check the write permissions of the
"/Users/xxxxxx/Documents" directory.

- Bruce


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