On 2004.5.6, at 08:08 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

Okay, I seem to have forgotten how to use CPAN. Where are the detailed instructions?

(perldoc cpan only gets me a page.)

And while I'm making noise,

When you have perl 5.6 as the system perl (/usr/bin) and perl 5.8 as a parallel install in /usr/local/bin, you want to set your user's path to put /usr/local/bin in front of /usr/bin before you run cpan, so cpan doesn't get confused, right?

What I'm thinking about is learning enough sh to split the path and insert /usr/local/bin in the middle, because I really don't want to put

    set path=(/bin /sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/sbin)

in my users's .bash_profile, etc. It's not like it's going to change or anything, but it just feels wrong.

    set path=(/usr/local/bin ${path})

also feels wrong. It avoids walking on the system provided path, but it gives /usr/local/bin priority over /sbin. If everything in /sbin should be called by full path anyway, why is /sbin in the path at all?

Maybe this is really a question for a security list.

What's the difference between perl -mCPAN (or whatever that was) and /usr/local/bin/cpan?

perl -MCPAN -e shell

is interactive.

Is it normal for cpan to not ask to be set up after a fresh install of 5.8.4? It prompted me to install Bundle::cpan, but didn't run through the list of ftp services and so on, etc. that I remember from previous times.

Evidentally I don't run CPAN non-interactively very much.

Does cpan have to be run as root? What happened when I tried to install Bundle::cpan as an admin user, then ran "sudo cpan"? Was I supposed to do a clean or something first? It installed the second time, when I sudoed it, didn't fail any tests, but skipped some tests because I didn't tell it the location of any ftp servers to test off of and things like that. I was surprised that it didn't seem to know my local host name. Now it seems to be unable to release the locks when I quit unless I start sudoed.

Still don't find much on this one.

And I can't find the instructions about querying which modules are installed, either.


    perldoc perllocal
    perldoc perlmodlib

Maybe it'd help if I had gotten more sleep last night.

Reading the faq helps, too.

-- Joel Rees

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