On Thu, 6 May 2004, Joel Rees wrote:

> Thanks. Any thoughts about the file locks left over when I run without
> sudo and quit?

Your CPAN home directory should be something like ~/.cpan/ -- look in
there for a lock file, possibly owned by root. Delete it while the CPAN
shell isn't running (use sudo if necessary), then try again.

This sort of thing can happen if the CPAN shell crashed or was forced to
quit with a `kill -9` or something along those lines. No big deal...

As a test, I just ran CPAN in one terminal, then another. I got this:

    $ sudo cpan

    There seems to be running another CPAN process (pid 1847).
    Other job is running.
    You may want to kill it and delete the lockfile, maybe. On UNIX try:
        kill 1847
        rm /tmp/.cpan/.lock

If that's the error you're getting, it contains the solution.

First, see if the CPAN process (in this case, 1847) is still hanging
around, and if you can't get to it (it's running in a window at home &
you're logged in from work, or it was in a window that crashed, etc)
then kill the stuck job (`kill 1847`, `sudo kill 1847`, `kill -9 1847`,
`sudo kill -9 1847`, in increasing order of desperation) and try again.

If you don't have a Perl or CPAN job running at the process ID noted,
then the lockfile is out of date -- maybe your whole system crashed and
this lockfile is lingering from before your last reboot. In that case,
follow the second suggestion offered and remove the .lock file.

Are you not getting an error message to the effect of what I put here?

> I'm thinking too hard, I know. Time to install XML and get back to work.

Heh, "now you have two problems!"


Chris Devers

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