On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, James Reynolds wrote:

> Does anyone know why Apple chooses or not chooses to include modules? 
> I really dislike installing them.  And more and more I find I need to.  
> So how would I go about pressuring Apple to include more.

No vendor includes a full CPAN library with the stock Perl. Linux, 
Solaris, etc, they're all doing the same thing.

If you install your own copy of Perl, it too will only have a partial 
standard core fraction of CPAN. 

Get used to CPAN. You aren't going to find a vendor that provides a full 
CPAN install -- new ones appear daily, so keeping up is impossible 

There has been talk of including fewer CPAN modules with future versions 
of Perl, to get people into the habit of installing things when 
previously they might not have wanted to go beyond the core modules.


Chris Devers

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