At 17:15 -0500 12/30/05, Vic Norton wrote:
>A second question. When I run
>   for (sort keys %ENV) {
>      printf "%25s => %s\n", $_, $ENV{$_};
>   }
>from BBEdit, I see a small subset of the %ENV that comes from running
>the script in Terminal. How can I make BBEdit's %ENV more like the
>system %ENV?

I'm not so sure there IS a "system" environment. Login to Aqua and login to BSD 
are entirely different thingies.

The likes of /etc/profile or /etc/cshlogin and similar things which I have 
probably spelled wrong seem to override whatever the "system" sets up in the 
first place. They can be removed or edited.

You can set up an environment, that pretty much sticks, by creating a file and 


where you can set the environment so that it is the same whether you enter via 
some Cocoa app - BBEdit - or through  Apple has some info on that 
and a search in the developer area for "environment.plist" should show it up. 
Ask off line if you'd like a copy of mine.

But even if you set it there those damnable /etc/*  startup files can screw it 
all up.

And. . . You are running that script from a BBEdit worksheet are you not? If 
you're running it as a filter from the #! menu all bets are off. You are 
basically starting a brand new non-daughter shell and it probably doesn't get 
any variables you have changed in BBEdit.

--> Science is the business of discovering and codifying the rules and methods 
employed by the Intelligent Designer. Religions provide myths to mollify the 
anxiety experienced by those who choose not to participate. <--

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